Sunday, July 8, 2012

Beating the Heat

Last week the temperature was soaring past 100 degrees.  But work still had to be done...
L2 was super excited to help Daddy fix up a family member's car.  Dad fixed the brakes and changed the tire.  Some old paint needed to be scraped off the windows and then we had to tape down the windows and repaint much of the car.

The kids were big helpers all day long.  The big kids helped watch the little ones so I could pitch in and help daddy too.

Not to mention, they were super cute. :o)

...But eventually, we were all rather tired of the heat.

We figured there was really only one to beat the heat...Get out of it!

And since the kids really did deserve a super treat, we decided a family day was in order!

So off to the theater we went!  The kids had all been begging to see the new Disney Pixar's Brave.  We all enjoyed the film...and the a/c!

Later, I took the kids to a local hibachi grill.  Dinner and a show!

J1 was enthralled!

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